October 17th
I met up with my friend John, who is one of the few other Americans in my International Relations class, and together we walked to the Law College (which is completely separate in both physical space and academic discipline from the Political Science college) in order to try and talk to our professor. She had told us to meet her at 10:30, but when we arrived she wasn't in her office. We decided to wait, but she never came. We ended up talking about the class with another professor who teaches the same course in the afternoon. Our main questions were answered, but I will still try and meet up with my professor as I feel that its important that she knows who I am and also that I am a foreign student.
As I have mentioned previously, I would like to open a bank account here in Spain. I stopped in three or four banks and asked them about their fees, rates, and locations in Andalucía, Spain, and the rest of Europe. I still haven't made up my mind as they each had advantages and disadvantages. Also, with the exchange rate between the dollar and euro fluctuating on a day to day basis, I am hesitant to transfer a lot of money.
The rest of the afternoon I spent doing homework. Heiko and I made some great bocadillos for dinner and ate them out on the balcony.
It was my friend Blake's 21st birthday, so Antonio, Heiko and I went over to his piso around 12:00am. Our mutual group of friends has grown significantly as all of the American students have introduced their roommates to everyone else, making our weekly get-togethers grow significantly. There were a lot of people at his piso, which is the largest one I've seen. They have a large living room with four couches against the walls and a large projector that turns the white walls into a poor-mans home theater. Its fun watching youtube videos on a 20 foot screen.
We left around 3:00am to take a taxi over to the Albayzín for the Erasmus party at the "Camobrio discoteque." The club was packed but I was able to move around and talk to a few people that I recognized from my classes. I like the Erasmus parties as there are people from all over the world.
At 6:30 we walked back to our piso and fell immediately to sleep.
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