Thursday, December 18, 2008

Trying to Do It All

December 15th

I talked to both of my professors after class today as I have a schedule conflict with finals and I also wanted to be clear on exactly what to study for the upcoming final exams.  I have the syllabus but I wanted to be sure that I didn't miss anything additional.

The second to last class of Salsa was fun as we learned some cool new moves.  I talked to some of the girls after class and then met up with Heiko, Anna, and Federica for lunch at the dining hall.

I stopped for a cafe and read before going to Análisis de Políticas Públicas where we did an interesting group project.

After Estructura Social Contemporanea I went over to Blake's and we "solidified" where we'll be staying for Italy.  We booked a hostel for one night in Rome and 3 nights in Florence.  We have an early bus this Friday to go to Madrid and then we'll fly to Milan.

Back home, I made dinner and studied a bit more before bed.  Antonio bought a chess board and we'll have to play.  This morning I also received a care package from Bubbie and Martin with some matzoh ball soup and latka soup.  I'll have to make it soon!

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