Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Errands and the Beginning of Election Coverage

November 4th

Somedays don't click how you want them to as I woke up with the intention of completing a lot of tasks but by the end of the day I had accomplished very little.

My watch that I received from the Israeli soldier during my trip to Israel in 2006 had died and I had been meaning to replace the battery for about a week.  I went to what appeared to be a watch store and ended up getting laughed out as it was only for Rolex's or brands at that level.  

I had to talk to Inma at the UC study center, but when I arrived it had closed early.  Back at my apartment I found the notice for my care package that I had been waiting for from my mom.  It said it had come at 11:00am (of course during the small window that I wasn't home) and that no one was there (people were home but no one remembered hearing the doorbell). I went over to the central mail office which is conveniently located right next to my apartment and was told that I would have to wait until tomorrow.  I was annoyed and acting impatient as I was excited for it to come.

My classes went well and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing homework.  I had to watch "Modern Times" by Charlie Chaplin for my Contemporary Social History class.  The film was in Spanish (although technically the majority of it is silent) and I enjoyed seeing it again.  I will have to write an essay analyzing the message and social critiques that the film makes.

I started to watch election coverage around 10:00pm although nothing official began until 12:00am.  Two Spanish news channels would be doing an 8 hour, non-stop marathon covering the American election.  I took a shower, got ready for bed, and then sat down on the couch to watch the election whose result would affect the entire world.

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