Sunday, November 30, 2008

University of California Study Abroad Thanksgiving Dinner

November 28th

Having no class on Friday is great.  After sleeping in, I went to talk to Inma about my classes as I had received an email from MyEAP saying that my classes hadn't gone through to the study center.

At the office I talked to Inma about all of my concerns regarding my improvement in the language, classes, and grades form ILP.  The last one turned out really well, as I had received an "A" during the ILP summer session.  Definitely a nice GPA boost.

I read for an hour in the library and stopped at the bread store before returning home.  Nice lunch and a pleasant afternoon.  Nathalie is in Madrid and Alberto was going to Motril so the apartment would be pretty empty this weekend.  I went over to my friend's Sarah's house for coffee and then out "shopping" to see if we could find a cheap black dress shirt and tie (cheap as in under 10 euros).  No luck.  I went back to my apartment, ran, and then changed for the Thanksgiving dinner.

It was starting to rain as I walked with another student from the program to the ritzy hotel where our dinner was being catered.  It was a lot of fun talking with everyone while we were served our first course of tapas.  One of the professors told me that I was very charismatic and should become the next US ambassador to Spain.  I don't know what cup of tinto de verano he was on, but it was a nice complement.

The dinner itself was really good with the turkey almost tasting as good as an "American one."  A few people made some nice speeches.  After dinner we left in a huge group to go to a "rock-n-roll" bar on Calle Pedro Antonio.  The group broke up after we left that bar, but I hung out with some kids who I hadn't talked to in a while before walking home.  

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